Large Businesses

3 Simple Steps to Savings


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If you choose to change providers, we manage the switch for you.

Energy Guide for Large Businesses

To be classed as a large business you will need to have an electricity consumption of 55,000 KWH or greater per year or more than 200,000 KWH of gas per year. In some cases your business is not a large business but is classed as one due to its high energy consumption.
Business Comparison Hub works closely with you to make sure that you are getting a fair price for your business energy.

High gas consumers

As stated above, your business may be classed as a large business if you consume 200,000 KWH of gas per year. When you consider that your business may be spread across different sites paying different rates and having different contract end dates, this can easily become very complicated. Business Comparison Hub help to simplify the process and manage your contract for you.

High electricity consumers

Those in the industrial sector are usually classed as high electricity users, this is because they need large amounts of electricity to power their machines. Construction sites, leisure facilities, hotels and restaurants are also often categorised as high electricity consumers. If you are a high electricity consumer, bills can quickly creep up and you are soon budgeting a large proportion of your profits towards paying your energy bills. Business Comparison Hub ensure that you are always paying the most competitive rate and that the tariff you are on best suits your business needs.

Gas and electricity users have the option of choosing between two types of contract, a fixed contract and a flexible contract. We can advise on the best contract for you, using our years of industry experience to guide you in the right direction.

Peak day demand

You will come across the term “large site peak day demand” if you are a large business and organising a new contract for gas and electricity. This term is referred to as Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ) and refers to the sum of Supply Offtake Quantity (SOQ) The SOQ is the maximum consumption allowed for any one supply point on any given day. A supply point is where the national grid makes the energy available for your energy supplier to be able to send to you. If you go over your SOQ (in KWH) you will be charged a penalty/fine. Large businesses can use what is called a “large supply point” which allows large businesses to access energy that is greater that 732,000 KWH per year.

Peak demand

Peak demand is the highest daily/monthly usage across the network at any given time. Energy prices tend to rise as peak demand does as it costs the suppliers more money to be able to keep everybody supplied at the same time. High energy consumers are usually offered lower rates for their energy due to the large amount they consume.

Lowering the amount you pay on energy

If you are a high energy user, finding a way to lower the amount you pay allows you to have more money to put back into your business. BCH can not only help you to reduce your tariff, we can also advise on energy saving tips to reduce your usage.

Electricity for industries

Factories, large offices and even hotels will use half hourly energy meters so they can get an accurate bill and make sure they don’t spend more than what they actually use. The way this happens is as the name suggests, the meters send a reading to the supplier every 30 minutes. Because it is automatic, it eliminates the need to take manual readings and provides more of an up to date reading due to its frequency. They also help give you a sense on when you are using the most energy which can lead you to be more energy efficient at peak times.

Climate Change Levy

By signing a Climate Change Agreement (CCA) you can have a reduction of 90% applied to your Climate Change Levy (CCL). The CCA requires you to meet certain efficiency targets set about in the agreement. Another way to reduce how much you pay to CCL is by signing the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC Scheme) which incentivises the use of energy efficiency in your business and to reduce carbon emissions by large energy users. Businesses that get their energy from renewable sources that are eligible can also be exempt from paying the CCL due to it being renewable and non carbon emitting. Suppliers also offer low carbon energy which help you become exempt in paying for CCL.